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To enhance child safety and reduce injuries in motor vehicle crashes, the Colorado Springs Police Department is proud to announce the launch of a Child Occupant Safety Program (COPP) in collaboration with Safe Kids Colorado Springs. This program will provide free car seat and booster installation checks to parents and caregivers across the Colorado Springs Community. This is a proactive approach to prevent unnecessary death and injuries of children caused by improper restraint in motor vehicle crashes in and around the Colorado Springs area. 

The mission of this new program is to reduce injuries and death to children in motor vehicle crashes by providing comprehensive education on child safety seats and vehicle seat belt systems to help parents and caretakers in the Colorado Springs area. This program is designed to provide readily available resources to the community to answer their child safety seat and vehicle seat belt questions.

This program is available at all four Colorado Springs Police Department substations by appointment. To schedule an appointment, parents and caregivers can go to and sign up for an appointment online. Additional educational information can be found at

On the day of your appointment, you will need to bring the following items to your inspection:

  • Car seat or booster, installed in the vehicle to the best of your ability, based on the manufacturer’s instructions
  • Car seat/booster manual
  • Vehicle manual
  • Current weight and height of the child

Certified car seat technicians will help educate parents and caregivers about the safe installation of a child car seat or booster seat.  Be prepared to learn and perform the process of how to install a child safety seat as the technician walks through the steps. This process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 45 minutes.

To learn about best practices related to child car seat and booster safety, sign up for a car seat check, or find more resources about child car seats and boosters, visit

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