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Do you love Colorado Springs’ amazing parks and trails? Help us care for our beautiful lands by being an active participant in our Adopt-A-Park/Trail program.

Why participate?

The City of Colorado Springs is fortunate to have an abundance of beautiful parks, trails and open spaces:

  • 144 neighborhood and community parks
  • 55 regional parks and open spaces
  • 165+ miles of trails

With these wonderful amenities comes the great responsibility to be good stewards of these public lands, and we could use your help caring for and helping beautify our parks and trails for everyone to enjoy.

Who can participate?

Open to all individuals and organizations in the Colorado Springs community, including but not limited to:

  • Businesses
  • Faith-Based Groups
  • Individuals and families
  • Neighborhood Associations
  • Recreation Enthusiasts
  • Youth Groups
  • Schools (groups and teams)
  • Scouts

What’s the commitment?

We ask that an adopting group or organization make a one-year commitment to meet at least twice per month during the months of April – October and as weather permits in the cold season to clean-up their adopted park or trail. An adoption sign recognizing the group/organization’s efforts will be placed at the adoption location after three months of service.

How do I apply?

Note: All adoptions are first-come, first-serve. Groups will retain the first right of refusal for their areas. Groups must assign a Group Leader to be the contact person for the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services (PRCS) Volunteer Coordinator.

What you need to know for your cleanup days

In order to ensure prompt pickup of all litter collected and assist with coordination of park resources or scheduling conflicts, please provide the PRCS Volunteer Coordinator with at least one week’s notice (preferably two), of your planned clean up days.  You can also arrange to have trash bags available upon request and special arrangements can be made to borrow tools (rakes, shovels, etc.).  PRCS will arrange to have the trash bags collected and disposed of.

Use your Inspection Checklist/Audit Roster to document the date, the number of volunteers, hours worked, activities accomplished and condition of the adopted area, and have each participant sign in for each workday.  These forms need to be submitted to the PRCS Volunteer Coordinator no later than the 30th of each month to help us document volunteer contributions.


If your group is interested in receiving volunteer t-shirts, please provide the PRCS Volunteer Coordinator with the approximate quantities and sizes needed. It is recommended that large groups wear the volunteer t-shirts when working on projects. And, send the PRCS Volunteer Coordinator a group photo or your best cleanup selfie and you might appear on our website or social media with a big Thank You!