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On Tuesday, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Rocky Mountain Regional Administrator Dominique Jackson presented the Pikes Peak Continuum of Care (PPCOC) with a check for $2.8 million to help support their efforts to end homelessness in the region. Jackson was joined by City of Colorado Springs Mayor Yemi Mobolade and other local housing and homelessness leaders.

“The Continuum of Care program is the backbone of the federal government’s efforts to support homelessness response across the country,” said Jackson. “This year’s $3.16 billion investment makes the largest ever amount of Continuum of Care funding awarded to address homelessness in history.”

The PPCOC, made up of service providers, citizens and local government officials, helps communities plan for and provide a full range of emergency, transitional, and permanent housing and other services to address the needs of persons experiencing homelessness.

“I want to express our sincere gratitude to HUD for their continued and largest investment in our efforts to make homelessness, rare, brief and nonrecurring,” said Amber Ptak, CEO of the Community Health Partnership, which oversees the administration of the Pikes Peak Continuum of Care. “This funding will support programs that not only help people find housing, but those that keep people housed as well.”

Local leaders also celebrated successfully providing housing stability for 101 households in El Paso County through Emergency Housing Vouchers, part of the House America challenge that the City of Colorado Springs joined in 2022.

Overseen by HUD and the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness, the distribution of the vouchers came through the combined work of the Colorado Springs Housing Authority and Colorado Health Partnership, in collaboration with the Homeward Pike Peak and Springs Rescue Mission. The vouchers benefited a total of 43 households with children, 36 individuals, 10 veterans, and 12 youth.

“If there is one thing that can be learned from the success of the Emergency Housing Vouchers, it’s that when you put together a group of dedicated and committed leaders, with compassionate and resourceful people, and have creative initiatives, great feats can be accomplished, and program is an example of what can be accomplished now, and into the future,” said Paul Spencer, Deputy Director of the Colorado Springs Housing Authority.

As part of the House America Challenge, the City of Colorado Springs is working to provide tax credit awards to build 150 new units of permanent supportive housing by the end of 2025.

“Tackling homelessness demands a multifaceted approach and requires a village of partnerships,” said Mayor Yemi. “It takes a village to end homelessness as no single entity can solve this complex issue alone. Our city has been blessed with an incredible village of partners including government agencies, non-profit organizations, faith-based groups, businesses, and community members dedicated and working together to help combat homelessness in Colorado Springs.”

Homeward Pikes Peak is helping the City meet that House America goal by developing permanent supportive housing. The housing project “The Commons”, recently opened with 50 new units, and phase two would create 42 additional units.

“I'm thrilled that we are celebrating the completion of the House of America voucher challenge and the almost year anniversary of the construction of The Commons, the first permanent support of housing for families that were formally homeless,” said Beth Roalstad, CEO, Homeward Pikes Peak. “We have about 120 residents, including 55 children under the age of 15 living at the commons.”

The Launchpad project by The Place is also helping the City reach its goal by adding 50 permanent supportive housing units.

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