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Our Vision

We will build a great city that matches our scenery.

In the coming decades, Colorado Springs will become a vibrant community that reflects our engaging outdoor setting as pioneers of health and recreation. Our city will be filled with unique places of culture and creative energy, sustainably designed around our natural environment. We will attract and retain residents of all generations with an innovative, diverse economy, and dynamic, well-connected neighborhoods that provide viable housing opportunities for all.

To achieve our Vision, this Plan is organized around six powerful vision themes. These themes are the result of conversations with our community. Very few comprehensive plans are organized this way.

Our Big Ideas 

Each of our themes is supported by Big Ideas that keep us focused on the most important things that will shape our future city. These ideas provide the basis for our goals and the more detailed contents of our Plan.

Vibrant Neighborhoods

Unique Places

Thriving Economy

Strong Connections

Renowned Culture

Majestic Landscapes