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Brand As the Best

Goal TE-1: Build on our quality of place and existing competitive advantages.


Application: Update Zoning: Enables tools such as small lot mixed-use and cluster development, added options for accessory dwelling units, and more form based Transit Orientated Development (TOD) options. 

Expand Our Base

Goal TE-2: Diversify the local economy by fostering a range of business types and sizes.

Think and Act Regionally

Goal TE-3: Continue and initiate regional coordination and partnerships focused on economic development and shared fiscal sustainability.

Embrace Sustainability

Goal TE-4: Focus on productively developing and redeveloping areas already in, nearby, or surrounded by the city in order to preserve open spaces, maximize investments in existing infrastructure, limit future maintenance costs, and reduce the impacts of disinvestment in blighted areas.

Become a Smart Cities Leader

Goal TE-5: Become a Smart Cities leader in applying innovative technology in ways that enhance the City’s ability to better manage our facilities and services and improve our overall quality of life. (Also see Chapter 5: Strong Connections for additional direction on Smart Cities)